Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How Could I Forget Easter Sunday?

By the way things were going I finally discerned it was O-Dark-Thirty, not nighttime. Best I could figure I slept most of the afternoon on Thursday and all through the night. I couldn't remember the last time I ate and oddly, I wasn't starving. After barracks details were finished I showered and since it was a training holiday, I was able to wear civilian clothes. Yay civilian clothes! The day looked to be somewhat promising. I went to breakfast, which is still to this day, my favorite "Army Meal". Yup, I am a sucker for SOS. No, I can't tell you what that stands for.

Some of the soldiers were taking taxis into town and I was invited to go along but all I could think was, "There are Germans out there -- Germans that don't speak English!" I liked the security of being under the Army's wing in this foreign land. I was paranoid I was going to get lost and not be able to get back and then I'd be AWOL and go to jail. I didn't want to be AWOL and go to jail. I did entertain the idea of walking across the street to another Army kaserne but the sleep alien began to take over again so back to bed I went. I slept all day, skipped lunch and dinner then slept through the night. Periodically throughout the day, someone would try to wake me but that same drugged feeling that overtook me on the bus seemed to have control of me once more. My longest waking moment was that evening, it being Friday night and there being an club right across the street from us, soldiers were coming in drunk, loud and unruly. Somehow, I was able to get back to sleep and despite the endless hours of sleep I already got that day, slept through the night as well.

Saturday was more of the same; sleeping most of the day, not eating and brief moments of being awake. I really had no idea what was wrong with me and every time I tried to give it some thought, back to sleep I would go.

Sunday morning I was a bit more encouraged I'd actually make it through the day without sleep. I got dressed, in civies yet again, and this time I actually ventured across the street! I have to admit though, I was a little scared walking through that Army gate and leaving the security of the kaserne but all I really had to do was cross a street and enter another gate. I was so excited to finally be awake and somewhat refreshed but everywhere I went was closed! What was going on? I know I looked like a lost puppy because a sergeant stopped me and asked me if I was new in country. I told him yes and asked why everything was closed. "Easter", he said, "Didn't you know it's Easter Sunday?"

EASTER SUNDAY? How did I miss that? How could I forget EASTER? I went back to the holding barracks, climbed aboard my top bunk and just sat there. My thoughts were back home; what were Courtney and Morgan doing? Did they get some pretty baskets? Who was cooking the big family meal? Did they miss me? Overtaken with exhaustion, depression and the worst case of homesickness I had ever experienced, I laid down on my bunk and cried myself . . . .

back to sleep.