Thursday, November 5, 2009

Where I have been . . . . .

User error?  Why is the common denominator always ME?  I can't seem to get my scanner at work or home to cooperate with me!!  I have a stack of pictures I wanted to post of me in Germany and my travels to Austria with Val and John --but alas, I cannot get them scanned in!

That's excuse number one.

I have also been very sad of late for a number of reasons/things changing in my life and family and when I'm sad, I absolutely cannot write.  Being sad zaps the creativity right out of me.  I tried to write a few posts but gave up when it seemed more like a chore than a story telling.

That's excuse number two.

PLDC takes some interesting twists so I've been wrestling with how much I can/will share and how to do so.  Do I just skip the "ugly" parts and pretend they didn't happen?  Well then the story isn't exactly accurate, is it?  Do I tell all and --take the risk?

Not sure how risky I'm feeling.  But the sadness will soon fade and I'll get one of these scanners to cooperate with me and we'll soon be back in business.

Until then . . . . .