Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bonus Post

I'm calling this a bonus post because today's real post is below. This is just a little something extra and its not technically a "Melissa's Military Moments" but sort of related.

So the past several months I have been having a bit of a sleeping issue in that I wake up every morning between 3am and 3:30am -- every single day. I'm always wide awake and sometimes I can get back to sleep and other times I cannot. Last night was one of those other times.

I woke up at 3:06 and just laid in bed. As I often do when I have time to let my mind wander, I started "writing" Melissa's Military Moments in my head -- I was recalling stories and people I wanted to share and things I was uncertain if I'd share or not. So I laid in bed tossing and turning, hoping I'd go back to sleep soon and thinking a lot about my Army days and when Jerry and I first met. When 4:00am arrived, I decided I had enough of the tossing and turning and I'd just get up. As I did, Jerry said to me, "Where are you going?" I knew my tossing and turning and sighing had woken him up.

I went downstairs and did some laundry, hung out on the computer for a little bit, scanned through he TV channels (nothing on that time of day) and did what my grandmother would call, "piddling around the house". I was feeling very sentimental as I had spent nearly an hour reminiscing through mine and Jerry's early days. All those early dating feelings were coming back to me; being excited just to see him, waiting for him to call or come over, secretly hoping I'd run into him during the day. Then I thought about him being upstairs and how I woke him up with my tossing and turning and I thought to myself, "I know he can't sleep well without me next to him so I think I'll go back upstairs and go to bed."

So I'm walking up the stairs in total darkness -- still recalling those Germany days and feeling bad that I had woke Jerry up and hoping at least he'd be able to get back to sleep for the next hour or so. Ever so quietly I go to open the door to our room (I had closed it when I left hoping to not bother him with whatever I was going to do downstairs) and I'm expecting him to ask me where I was, what I had been doing, etc. So I open the door and I hear . . . . . .


Oh okay so it turns out my husband can sleep just fine without me next to him.

Duly noted.