Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Before my bunk mate left for Erlangen she caught wind it was my birthday. She, along with some others in the barracks, threw me a surprise party! I hardly knew any of the people there. Soldiers are special people and it is true they take care of their own. All of us were away from home. Without having to explain it, we knew what each person was going through. I was very touched and appreciative. Unfortunately, I hardly ever saw those people again. I didn't stay at my own party long as it was just a lot of partying and drinking --later everyone moved the party along to the bar scene. But this was the first time I really met some of the people living in the barracks.

The two big 'ol heads you see to the right --no clue who they are. The girl in the black dress was my bunk mate that eventually went to Erlangen. The other female --I think she was assigned to 400 PSC but I'm not certain.

The guy behind me well -- he was an Army brat, son of a Colonel so the Army life was the only life he knew. Sadly, he ended up getting Court Martialed on a drug related charge. He was sent to Ft. Leavenworth prision and that's the last I ever heard about him. If I remember correctly, he got a fairly long sentence. He won't be the only person that ends up with this fate as my story goes along.

The other significance of this party is --this is where I first met Tom. Tom is one of the few people I will actually mention by name.