Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Graduation Day!

Yes!   I made it!  I was going to graduate from PLDC!

Military graduations are usually well attended by the higher ranking officials.  They like all the pomp and circumstance.  I knew this. Our instructors told us the "big wigs" that were coming to see us graduate.

That just made me nervous.  I was so very very intimidated by high rank.  I think it started in Kindergarten when I was terrified of the 5th and 6th graders.

Our graduation was in a theater and we practiced this.  It was easy.  We walked up the stage on the right side, walked across the stage, walked down the left side, walk all the way down the right isle then back to our seats.
That's how is was supposed to go.  Well, that's how it did  . . . until it was my turn.

Sitting right there in the front row were all those military guys --chests full of awards and medals.  They frightened me.  And when I get scared I'm nervous and I can't think straight and I'm a mess.

Like the one time in Basic Training we had a barracks inspection and a Colonel stopped by and asked me where I was from and I told him I didn't know.  Then he asked me to do an About- Face and I just simply turned around.  I did more of a ballet spin than a military move.  And my Drill Sergeant was really really mad at me.

But back to PLDC.

I got most of it right but as I was walking across the stage I was blinded from all that brass that was sitting in the front row.  And as I descended the stairs going down the left I had a moment of panic, "What do I do now?"  So instead of going straight I turned left --and I walked right in front of all those important people.  One particular important person gave a look of confusion like, "Hey, what's she doing?"

But then the people behind me figured there had been a change they were not aware of so everyone that was exiting the stage started to follow me.  I made such a mess of things.  Then since I had gone the wrong way, we were all trying to go back up the isle where soldiers were walking down towards the stage.  Finally one of the instructors got up and started redirecting traffic the right way.

When we all got back to our seats everyone was mad at me, "What were you doing? . . . Why did you change like that?"

I dunno --I was just nervous.

But more importantly


The End!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!