Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So long my Platoon . . .

The last day of PLDC was the graduation practice, the 5-mile run and the Dining In. My guys kept asking me how I was going to lead the run. I kept telling them I had no idea. It did worry me, terrified me, actually but I had to do what I had to do. I knew it was going to be a huge embarrassment. I knew I would be humiliated but you know --I was kind of used to those things by now.

The Graduation ceremony would take place in a movie theater that was on base. It was an old building, as they all were. There was a stage with a small set of stairs that flanked the sides. The graduates were to walk up the right side of the stage, walk across the stage, walk down the left side of the stage then execute an immediate, sharp and precise left face then walk in front of the stage and back up the isle to our seats. Pretty simple huh? I mean, can you imagine anyone messing that up? Can you? Can you think of one person that might get something so elementary all screwed up? I mean –we even practiced it –walking up the stairs, walking across the stage . . . . well, tune in for graduation day and hear the tale.

After our practice session we were dismissed for a little (very little) bit of free time and to change and get ready for the run.

The run.

The 5-mile run.

The 5-mile run I was to lead. And sing cadence. Run at the guy’s pace.

That run.

I changed into my PT clothes and went downstairs just kind of waiting and hanging out --most of my platoon was there too and I could tell they all felt sorry for me. I mean come on; we all knew I was going to fail miserably. They knew that. I knew that. I couldn’t even keep up with them on our daily 2 mile runs, which were lead by the instructors. How in the world was I going to keep up on a 5 mile run WHILE leading?

We were getting ready to get into formation when one of the other instructors came up to me and said, “Hey! Aren’t you singing the National Anthem tonight?” I told him I was (like duh, didn’t everyone know that? Had I not been telling everyone how good we were going to be?). Then he said to me, “Well then what are you doing here?” I asked him what he meant and he said, “Everyone involved with the Dining In has practice right now, you can’t go on this run.”

Sing it with me ---Hallelujah!!!!!

And then I had the absolute nerve to pretend I was upset and that I wanted to go on the run. My platoon was all standing around rolling their eyes at me . . . .

“Are you serious? But---but –I’m the platoon Sergeant, I have to lead my guys!”

“Well, you’re not leading them on this run! You can appoint someone to lead for you and then you need to report to practice for tonight.”

Seriously, I was acting like I was so mad and disappointed but as soon as the instructor walked away I grinned at my platoon and they just shook their head at me.

First Sergeant called us all to Attention!


And then of course I yelled out . .


They snapped to attention, we got some announcements then we were ready to run; so I executed an About Face so I’d be facing my platoon and yelled . . .

Sergeant So-in-So (remember, I’ve forgotten his name but he was the one that put me “On Point”) FRONT AND CENTER!

Listen to me giving commands *snickers*

Sergeant left the formation and reported to me. I told him to take charge of the platoon. It was beautiful –absolutely beautiful. As I walked away to go back into the building I heard Sergeant say, “Forward-----MARCH!”

So long my Platoon! I will miss you! Have fun! Run well! Make me proud! Good-bye!!!!!