Friday, July 23, 2010

Love, Jerry

It was weeks before I heard anything from Newsome but finally one day --a letter arrived.  I was afraid to open it and I did notice it wasn't as thick as I would have liked.  I mean come on, I was writing him every single day, numerous times a day and here one measly little very thin letter arrives for me.

And the letter said --

I got all of your letters and read every single one of them.  We need to talk about this.  I don't want to do this through letters or the mail.  I have arranged to use my buddy's phone so I can call you and I will just pay him for the call.  Here are two dates and times I plan to call you, the times are in your local time.  If I don't reach you the first time I will try the second time.    I will talk to you soon.  Love, Jerry

And so now all I could do was wait for that call.  I was a little annoyed he didn't say too much but I hung onto "Love, Jerry"

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE --it rang over and over and over in my head. . . Love, Jerry.