Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Going Home

It was late fall I got a call from my Dad. He said they, my Dad and step-Mom, wanted to bring me home for the holidays and I could choose Thanksgiving or Christmas. It took me only 5 seconds to decided on Thanksgiving because it was a whole month sooner. I wanted to be home. My Dad said he also wanted it to be a surprise so only he and my step-mother knew I was coming home.

I put in my leave request right away because around the holidays, a lot of people request off and I didn't want to stand the chance of mine getting denied. As was the procedure, I typed up my request, gave it to my NCOIC for his approval and then it goes to the company 1SG for approval. I requested a week off.

Not long after I submitted my request I got called into the Colonel's office. Actually, this was the same Colonel I stood before about the "motor pool soldier" investigation only, at this time he was still a Major. Standing at my best Parade Rest position and having the Major put me "At Ease" he went on to say:

"I hear you requested some leave --to go back to the states."

"Yes Sir, I did."

Now I'm worried there's a problem. I mean, the officers don't normally get involved in the enlisted leave time. I was certain he was going to tell me I'd not be able to go home.

"Is someone getting married?" He asked of me.

"No sir."

"Well, why exactly are you going home?"

What a dumb question, I thought! HOME! I'm going home because I want to be home!!! Seriously, what more can be explained?

"Well, Sir, I just want to go home. I miss my family and . . " He cuts me off.

"Listen Private, you are stationed in one of the most historical countries known to man. You are right in the middle of Europe with culture & history surrounding you. Your family is your family and always will be. They will be there for you when you get home --whether that's in a month or a year. . . "

Tears began to sting my eyes as I was certain he was going to tell me my Leave request was denied.

" . . . and what you need to do now is take advantage of being in Germany. Use your leave time to visit other countries and visit all those places you read about in history class. You will probably spend the rest of your life in the states so for now, spend the rest of your leave time in Europe."

I was too young then to understand the wisdom of what he was saying. Standing before him, all I could think about was how crazy he was to think I'd rather see the Eiffel tower than be home with my family. He was thoroughly convinced he had changed my mind. He asked me if I still wanted to go home. I told him I did but I would still travel before I left Germany but for now --I just needed to go home. "Okay then", was all he said. I don't regret going home to visit however; I do wish I would have done more local travel before I left. I did do quite a bit, but still wish I had done more.

But now, I had something to look forward to . . . .

I was finally going home!