Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Kid on the Block

Remember in school when a new kid would transfer in? Everyone would be all excited and the teacher would tell everyone to go out of their way to make him/her feel welcome. I remember just before my senior year in high school started we got word some guy from California was transferring in. Once school started, all of the girls wanted to date him. He was so west coast-ish --so "surfer California" type. There always seems to be some mystery that surrounds the new person. The Army is really no different from that. When a new person comes to the unit, there's a lot of buzz . The females want to date the new guy. The males want to date the new females.

I remember one particular new soldier. Everyone was talking about this new guy and I was so unimpressed. I didn't know him. I didn't want to know him. I never saw him. I didn't care to every see him. Apparently, I guess he was a very impressive soldier. Hmp. Who cares. Was he from Chicago? No? I'm so not impressed. I kept hearing about him and quite frankly *yawn* it was getting tired of it.

Remember pay day activities when we got to wear our Class A uniform? One particular PDA we had just been dismissed from formation and uniform inspection.

SIDE BAR: I'll just be brutally honest here. I hated uniform inspection because most of your badges and awards were pinned to the chest of your jacket. Part of inspection was making sure everything was placed every so perfectly. Most of the time it was a male soldier doing the inspection. So you would stand there at attention while some guy you didn't even know was starring at your chest. Sorry if that's TMI or inappropriate but if you really want to know what it was like to be a soldier and you really want to understand why I hated certain things --then there you go. Now back to our regularly scheduled program. . . .

So it was PDA and like I said in my earlier post, everyone was just in a good mood. The Pay Officer was shelling out cash, everyone was all shiny and bright in their pretty Class A's. I was standing at the CQ desk just talking with my fellow soldiers and I felt someone staring at me. You know that feeling? So I turned around and there stood this soldier, whom I had never seen before, looking at me. He saw me glance his way and he smiled at me. I did not smile back. I thought he was creepy --just standing there looking at me . . . . weirdo!

As the days went on I'd sometimes see that creepy soldier around the company area. He'd always smile at me in that creepy way and I'd always pretend like I didn't see him. The girls were all still swooning over that new Sergeant and I had heard just about enough of that too. For goodness sakes, would someone PLEASE date that guy and get it over with.

One night I was in my room and my roommate had been to the gym to work out and I guess there was some intramural basketball game going on so she stayed to watch it. Afterwards, she comes back to our room busting in the door and said, "Girl! You should have seen it!" At first I was all excited like I was going to hear some big story about a fight or something of interest . . . .but all she could talk about was that new Sergeant and, "You should have seen his muscles! They were bulging out all over the place." Here we go again! How could any one person be that interesting? Really!

For the next few weeks I continued to be stalked by that creepy soldier. He'd never say a word to me -just look at me and smile. And all over the kaserne all I would ever hear about is that new guy . . .

Staff Sergeant Newsome.
